Many people include Severn Hospice in their will.

If you would like to join this growing group of special people there are a number of ways you can formally confirm your wishes.

  • Talk to a solicitor
  • Talk to us – we have many years’ experience in sensitively helping people who want to remember Severn Hospice in their will. You can call Sophie Higgins on 01952 221351 or write to her using the form in the wills area of our website.
  • We’ve partnered with expert will writers, Octopus Legacy, to offer you the chance to write your will for FREE today. If you are ready to do that, just click here and it will take you to our space on the Octopus Legacy website. Thank you.

However you choose to make your will, the following guidelines may be useful;

The official details for our hospice, which you should include in our will:  

Our registered office – Severn Hospice, Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY3 8HS

Our registered charity number – 512394

You can choose to leave a specific amount or a share of the residue of your estate to Severn Hospice. Unlike a specified sum of money in your will, this latter kind of donation does not lose its value over time and means you don’t have to alter your will if your circumstances should change. Generally this type of will is less complicated to update or amend.


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