“I cannot find the words to express my ongoing gratitude to Severn Hospice for the care and support they gave my brother Bryan before he passed away in March 2020.
I have been honoured to run the Virtual London for the hospice in 2021 after Lake Vrynwy was cancelled (I had a charity place for that) . It was actually the virtual that gave me the determination and belief that I could run an ‘actual’ marathon.
The value of your care can never be truly known until its needed and that is the sad truth of it but by allowing me to run for you, it has without doubt helped me channel some of my grief on losing Bryan in a positive direction.
He loved running, amongst many other activities and everything he did in life, he did wholeheartedly.
He introduced me to running and what a joy it is! I will be forever thankful that Bryan encouraged and persuaded (and nagged me a little bit 😊) to get involved with c25k and look where it’s led me!”
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