Why are you running and what drew you to fundraise for the Hospice?
Our friend Matt was taken from us far too soon, leaving a young family and many friends behind. As a group we have collectively raised money for the hospice which cared for him so amazingly. We have embarked on running challenges in his memory and cemented friendships old and new, near and far.
Many of my clients and their families have also been touched by the support, care and incredible work the hospice does.
As an individual I wanted to do something more to, inspire others to be active, take on challenges, seize the day and raise as much as possible for this wonderful cause.
Both our children and I loved supporting my wife when she completed the marathon 2 years ago, the kids loved spotting the fancy dress runners and so the idea was born!
So I’ll be running the 2024 London marathon in flamingo fancy dress!
If it is for someone, who they were, what they meant to you, what would they think of you doing this?
Matt would be so proud of what the whole group has achieved and would hopefully smile at the flamingo costume and be proud of my efforts to complete the marathon!
What are your biggest fears or anything you need to overcome?
Practicing and training around the streets of Shrewsbury in full costume!
What’s your best training incentive / help – a song maybe, food etc?
Music and comedy podcasts will get me through the loner runs…although I will also be preparing a sponsored playlist for on the day where friends, family and clients can donate to sponsor a song to be added to a playlist which I won’t know until the day!
What do you want to get out of running in this amazing world-renowned event?
Sense of pride, have a fun time and raise funds and awareness for the hospice and it’s brilliant work/staff.

What support are you getting from family / friends?
Massive support from wife, kids and personal training clients who are all looking forward to supporting me on the day.
If you would like to support Tom, click here