Why are you running and what drew you to fundraise for Severn Hospice?
I watched friends last year run the London Marathon and the stories, the determination, the atmosphere was all electric. I stood there and thought this is amazing, could I do this!?! A few weeks later high on the experience I saw the hospice offer the opportunity and thought why not? Forgetting the fact I don’t run and haven’t in years but that makes this an even bigger challenge.
Myself and family were lucky enough to have the use and support of the hospice when my dad sadly passed away in August 2020. The world was in the midst of craziness with Covid and the hospice gave us a place of calmness, it meant family could visit safely without breaking any restrictions and gave my dad some dignity. Some of my fondest family memories will be sat in the hospice garden amongst the beautiful flowers with my family just sharing a cuppa and chat laughing over memories.
Since then I’ve seen many others share similar experiences and this makes you appreciate what a special place it is for so many. If I can support in any way to keep this amazing resource for others then so be it. I am a completely running novice and in honesty don’t enjoy it but that makes it even more of a journey I’m embarking on so if I need a drive to do that the hospice is it.
If it is for someone, who they were, what they meant to you, what would they think of you doing this?
Like every little girl will say their dad was their world, I remember watching the marathon on tv with him as his colleague was running and saying how remarkable it is.
I know he would be my biggest cheerleader through this journey.
What are your biggest fears or anything you need to overcome?
The fact I have to run!! As detailed I’m a complete novice but this will give me the determination that I need to do this to help others. Also I really want to show others that a normal non-runner can make themself into a marathon runner!!
What’s your biggest training incentive?
Knowing I’ve ticked it off and seeing an improvement keeps me going.. That along with a good playlist to keep me distracted along the way.
What do you want to get out of running in this amazing world-renowned event?
Firstly and most importantly-money and awareness of the hospice and what they do.
On a personal note I want to feel the pride of saying look what I’ve achieved.
Only 1% people run a marathon in their lifetime, I look forward to saying I join this group!!
What support are you getting from family and friends?
I have the best beer cheering group in my close friends, their almost the first to tell me what I can do rather than can’t.
They offer to join me on my runs and give tips and guidance all of which are very much needed.
But my biggest support throughout this process is my husband Paul, he will always tell me I can do it, always say well done and most importantly pick up the extra childcare enabling me to go train. I can’t wait to see him and Maisie’s faces on the day who I know will be shouting the loudest.
Jade is running for her dad. Will you support her?