Posted on 13th May 2020
We have launched our annual summer raffle and it’s an easy way of supporting us from your sofa.
We hold two raffles each year – one in the summer and another at Christmas and together they raise thousands of pounds for us.
This year’s summer raffle, which has a top prize of £5,000, has the message of We can’t stop caring and we need the help of our supporters now more than ever.
Essential services
Everyone has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, but our caring teams have been committed to ensuring that our essential services continue through this difficult time and beyond.
Karen Swindells, our lottery manager said: “Taking part in the raffle means people will also be part of the fabulous fundraising support that has responded to our plea for help since the pandemic hit.
“It is only £1 a ticket and we have made sure that taking part is as easy as possible. We have sent out thousands of letters to our supporters inviting them to play and tickets are also available from our website.
“What’s not to like? £1 a ticket, a chance of winning £5,000 and all the while supporting a great local cause.
“We have to raise £2 for every £3 we spend on care and holding our summer raffle is one way we can make that happen – our investment in the prize fund and holding the raffle brings in far more to the hospice than it takes out.”
Heather Tudor, chief executive added: “We’re asking people to be there for us so we can continue to be there for someone else.
“Every ticket bought in our summer raffle helps us to make a difference to somebody living with incurable illness.”