Posted on 14th December 2020

Pounds roll in for determined Shropshire runner

When a senior manager for the UK’s largest long-term savings and retirement business, decided to run the London Marathon, she aimed to fundraise for her local hospice in memory of a dear friend.

Sian Powell from Cleobury Mortimer started a rigorous training programme, organized quizzes and raffles and prepared herself for the iconic race in her bid to raise as much money as she could for us.


Then the marathon, which was due to take place in April, was postponed because of the pandemic, but Sian kept on running.

And her hard work paid off – and she has raised more than £7,700.

And included in her total is a donation from her company, Phoenix Group, which has offices nationwide, and which match funded her to the tune of £2,500.

Sian planned to run the London Marathon in memory of her friend Pat who was cared for by us in 2019.


She sold ‘memory ribbons’, which she sewed to the bottom of her running vest and which were dedicated to people who had passed away.

In October and to complete her own virtual London Marathon, she took to the hills close to her home in south Shropshire.

“When it got tough, I would remind myself who that particular mile was for and soldier on,” said Sian.

“I have been taken aback by people congratulating me in the street and giving me donations.  With a Christmas quiz, raffle, donations, sponsorship of my shirt and the memory ribbons the fundraising was a great success at a time when a lot of fundraising has been put on hold by the pandemic.


“And the matched donations from Phoenix have boosted my total to over £7,700.

“I’m proud to work for a company that cares.”

Hannah Gamston, our area fundraiser said: “Sian is amazing – she is a fantastic supporter of ours and has raised an incredible amount of money.

“Phoenix’s decision to match Sian’s funding is wonderful. We are so grateful to them and to Sian and it’s thanks to them that we can be there for people living with incurable illness now and in the future.”


Hannah added: “Match funding really does make such a difference to us, particularly at the present time. It is a brilliant way for a company or business to show their support for a local charity and also for one of their employees who has made a massive commitment.”

If you would like to find out more about match funding contact our fundraising team at


And if Sian’s story has inspired you to slip on your trainers and pound the streets, then we have a number of Golden Bond entries for next year’s London Marathon. If interested, contact our fundraising team and they will be able to help you with the next steps.


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