Your hospice story

Thank you for your support – it means a lot to us. We think your story could inspire others to help us too.

We want to know about what motivates you to support Severn Hospice and make it easier to share your thoughts, we’ve put together some prompts below.

We’d love to use your story on our website and social media, but promise not to share it until you’re happy with what we’re trying to do.

Have a look at some of the questions below – help us spread the message about Severn Hospice.

Keeping in touch more generally

  • So we can continue helping local people living with incurable illnesses, we’d like to share with you information about our work and ways your support can make a difference. We’d do that by writing to you, or very rarely telephoning you, when we think we have something you’d be interested in, such as news, appeals or ways you can support us. With your permission we’d also really like to contact you by email – it’s so much more convenient and quite a bit cheaper.

    If you’d prefer us not to keep in touch in this way, we will of course respect your wishes.

    We keep your contact details safe and never pass them on to others for their own use. More information is available in our Privacy Policy on our website

    If you are happy to hear from us by email, we need you to tick ‘Yes’ below and fill in your details in the space provided.

  • If you are not happy to hear from us ever again about these things by post and/or telephone, please tick ‘No’ below.

  • You can change your mind at any time by calling 01952 221351 or emailing





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