Posted on 15th February 2024
We are set to be the first hospice in the country to introduce a new scheme designed to ensure that patients, their families, and carers receive the gold standard of care.
We have teamed up with Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust (ShropCom) to use its successful Observe & Act tool.
ShropCom Volunteer Group with members of staff initially developed the tool, which looks at a person’s total experience of health care and after seeing how successful it has been in an NHS setting, Severn Hospice has chosen to adopt it for itself.
It is now used in more than 40 trusts nationwide.
But ShropCom’s work with us is a first, although hopes are high that other hospices will follow suit.
Mark Donovan, Governance and Patient Experience lead with ShropCom said: “ShropCom volunteer group with members of staff saw there was a need for improved patient experience and then worked together to develop Observe & Act.
“Our Observe & Act visits to healthcare teams cover everything from patient focused care, safety, communication, food standards, signage and inclusivity. Our team run through a series of questions for each area which then provides us with the unique opportunity of seeing each area from the viewpoint of the service user – whether that be a patient, a family member, or a carer.”
Through a series of questions, those undertaking an Observe & Act visit can highlight good practice and note where standards are less than perfect. Usually carried out by two people, Observe & Act covers everything from Communication, Patient focussed care, safety, and the standard of food, signage, and inclusivity.
Milly Smith, ShropCom volunteer said: “We are working in partnership by offering training and subsequently building relationships with health trusts all over the country. We are hopeful that now Severn Hospice is leading the way, other hospices will also adopt Observe & Act.”
Deb Wallace, our Community Engagement lead added: “It is exciting to be working together with ShropCom.
“It is another example of how we have reached out into our community to ensure that our services are inclusive and accessible to all sectors of our community. We have partnered with an organisation where we can exchange ideas and learn from each other.
“We will observe the care we give, through the eyes of our patients.”
The findings of the Observe & Act visits will be available to senior management and any changes or recommendations will be acted on. Equally, where an area or department is found to be going above and beyond, it is anticipated that the teams involved will receive positive feedback and given the opportunity to celebrate successes.