Other support

Social Workers

We have our own team of social workers who can provide guidance and psychological and social support, and act as advocates for our patients and their families.

Our social workers can give advice about, financial and legal matter; care packages at home, nursing homes and residential homes; and social services and other agencies. They also provide bereavement support.

Occupational Therapists

Living at home with an incurable illness can be a painful, difficult and distressing experience without proper specialist support. Everyday tasks such as bathing, getting out of a chair and moving around become monumental challenges for both the patient and their family members to overcome.

Our occupational therapists support patients who wish to remain at home by providing specialist equipment, advice and guidance to help them maintain their independence.

Medical Domiciliary Visits

Our doctors are able to visit patients at home to offer specialist advice, working in partnership with primary care teams, on the complex physical and psychological effects of living with a life limiting illness.


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