For healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals

We have compiled some essential information and useful links for healthcare professionals who are treating end of life and palliative care patients.

The aim of this information hub is to simplify the actions that healthcare professionals should consider undertaking, when they have seen a patient who is approaching their end of life. On occasions, these arrangements can be done at a comfortable pace, but equally, they may have to be made speedily, often when the prescriber is on call.

Severn Hospice has provided the documents detailed below to solely provide ease of access to essential information for registered GPs and other suitably qualified healthcare professionals.

Whilst a number of documents are owned and produced by Severn Hospice others are not. Those which are not produced by Severn Hospice have been kindly provided by outside partners such as the Integrated Care Board (ICB).

Please note that Severn Hospice in no way claims to own, or have any control over, the documents produced by outside partners which are accessible through this website. Severn Hospice purely provides an easy access facility for clinicians to obtain important information and does not accept any liability for the contents of documents which are reproduced from this website.

Severn Hospice documents

To make a referral to the hospice and find out more about the services we provide, please click here.

Order oxygen online, click here

To find the Care decisions guides in Welsh and English, please click here.


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