tallulahWe are delighted that two of our supporters have won in the Pride of Shropshire Awards 2016.

Tallulah Lewis-Schulz has won in the Young Person category after she shaved her head to raise money for our hopsice in 2015. We cared for her father Andreas and Tallulah wanted to do something to show her support. The story went viral and was covered by the BBC and ITV, which resulted in over £10,000 being donated to the hospice.

Julie Burroughs is a volunteer gardener at our hospice and has won the Environmental Award.julie-burroughs

She has been involved with a number of environmental projects and has been working tirelessly to make Shropshire a wildlife friendly county.

We are incredibly lucky to have been supported by such inspirational people and would like to congratulate them both on being recognised for their outstanding efforts.


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