Posted on 15th May 2018

Six-year-old Lacie Peate from Telford had a colourful surprise when she learned her design will grace the T-shirts of more than a thousand charity fun-runners.

Scores of primary schools entered our competition to design a runner’s T-shirt for our Colour Run taking place on June 10 at Telford Town Park.

During a special assembly at Ladygrove Primary School in Dawley members of our events team surprised the budding artist with the final T-shirt design and her prize of a giant cuddly bear.

Hannah Gamston, fundraising events officer at Severn Hospice, said: “Lacie’s design is fantastic, we’re all really thrilled with how good the T-shirts look. We had so many primary schools from across Telford and Wrekin take part in our T-shirt design competition and it was brilliant to see the creativity of so many young people. It was difficult to pick just one winner but we chose Lacie’s design because it’s colourful and fun and sums up what it’s like to take part in our Colour Run.

“It was really lovely to surprise her during a special assembly, she had no idea we were coming. I’d like to thank the team at Ladygrove Primary for their help setting everything up, it was a great afternoon.

“It’s going to be quite an impressive sight to see over a thousand people in their T-shirts run round Telford Town Park being covered in powder paint. There’s still time to register if anyone would like to join us on June 10.”

For more information about our Colour Run, or to register online, click here. 


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