Topic: News

More space to shop after Welshpool store reopens

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Our wonderful supporters turned out in their numbers as we opened our new-look Welshpool shop to the community. Severn Hospice Welshpool has been undergoing an extensive refurbishment over the summer to enhance the experience and create more space for shoppers. Our shop manager Rhiannon was joined by nurses Mandy and Eileen, Town Crier Tammy Manuel… Read more »

Read our new Yearbook 2019

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Our new Yearbook is here! Click below to read all about how your help makes a difference to the families we care for… A big thank you to each and every one of you who has shared their story, volunteered, raised funds, taken part in events, organised fundraisers, given donations, shopped in our shops and… Read more »

Wonderful wedding on hospice ward

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Close friends and family of a loving couple came together as the pair tied the knot at a special Severn Hospice wedding ceremony. Carl and Nicki Shermer planned their big day in just four days before marrying at our Telford hospice on a sunny Monday afternoon. The groom, who is a patient on our ward… Read more »

Proud to care

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“As soon as I heard about the fundraising to set up the hospice, I knew it was where I wanted to be.” Three decades later and Helen Duce is still proud to be caring for families here at Severn Hospice. This week, we’re marking 30 years of providing comforting care and emotional support to families… Read more »

30 years of care

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Thank you for helping us care for 30 years It has been 30 years since our pioneers and founders galvanised the communities of Shropshire to support an appeal to open a hospice in the county. On the 12 July 1989 we welcomed our first families to the newly opened Perry ward at Bicton, Shrewsbury, and… Read more »

Teams announced for Dragon Boat Festival

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Over 40 teams from various Shropshire organisations, plus national and international corporates are taking part in our Dragon Boat Festival this weekend. Team members, who hail from RAF Shawbury 60 Squadron, hospitals, schools, banks and many more, will row along the River Severn in Shrewsbury to compete for the number one spot. Come and show… Read more »

Dragon boat teams all set to roar along river at festival

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Dragon boats will line the River Severn this weekend when dozens of teams roar along the waters while helping to raise money to help us fund our care. More than 40 teams are getting set to race in our Dragon Boat Festival this year, which is taking place by the Shrewsbury School and Pengwern Boat… Read more »

Police challenge triples fundraising target

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Riot police runners raised more than £14,000 for us – smashing their fundraising target – after conquering the Market Drayton 10k in their full kit and body armour. The West Mercia Police team braved the difficult, hot conditions on May 12 to complete the race, raising funds to help us fund our care. The charity… Read more »

Hospice gardens to open to the public 2019

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21 May 2019 Our green-fingered gardening staff and volunteers are getting set to open the award-winning gardens of our hospice to the public. The blooming beautiful gardens of Severn Hospice will play host to two open garden events across both sites over the coming weeks. Hundreds are set to flock to our gardens in Bicton,… Read more »

Hospice opens 27th shop to community

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Our supporters, staff and volunteers came together as we opened our 27th shop to the community. The new Monkmoor store in Shrewsbury is the latest in our portfolio to contribute £1 million towards the care of local families. It is now the fifth shop we have opened in the town – joining our furniture store,… Read more »