Posted on 28th March 2017

Caring KendrahA kind-hearted schoolgirl from Telford is planning to celebrate her seventh birthday by fundraising for our hospice instead of having a party and presents with her friends.

Kendrah Knight is going to spend her special day at our Colour Run on June 10th at Telford Town Park and instead of receiving birthday presents she is asking people to make donations to our hospice.

Kendrah and her mum Jemma Knight, of Donnington in Telford, have been out training in preparation for the most colourful 5K in Shropshire and have been asking their loved ones donate to the hospice instead of purchasing birthday presents.

Kendrah said: “My mum asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I already have clothes and dollies so I asked if we could give something to charity instead. The Colour Run is on my birthday and Severn Hospice help lots of families when they really need it and I want to help too.

“I’m going running with my mum and we’re asking everyone to give money to the hospice and not to buy me presents. I’d still like some presents but I really want to give lots of money to Severn Hospice.”

Kendrah’s mum, Jemma, said: “Kendrah has always been very sensitive and wanted to do something to help others on her birthday.

“Severn Hospice is such a fantastic charity and the work they do is so important. Kendrah’s Great Grandad, my Grandad, is currently in hospital unwell. When I explained to Kendrah that if anything happens to Great Grandad the hospice will be able to take care of him and support her Nan, she was sure it was the charity she wanted to help.

“The whole family is getting involved to support her. Her Dad and I have signed up along with her cousins, uncle, aunt and nan. Family and friends will also be cheering us on from the side-lines. She’s really inspired everyone to get involved and I’m incredibly proud of her.”

Our Fundraising Manager, Lucy Ruff, said: “We’re very lucky to have Kendrah supporting our hospice and we feel very privileged to be a part of her special day. The support Kendrah has received from her family and friends has been outstanding and we’re looking forward to having them all with us at the run.

“Kendrah’s a very special girl and we’re very privileged to have been chosen to be part of her special day and to have such a wonderful family fundraising for us.”

To support Kendrah in her fundraising donate to her Just Giving page .

To register your place on our Severn Hospice Colour Run click here.


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