Posted on 2nd November 2023
Our giant Christmas tree will shine brighter than ever for loved ones missed as our annual remembrance service marks 25 years on Sunday 3 December.
And families who want to join the new-look Lights of Love event and dedicate a light in the tree to someone special are being urged to not leave it too late as a closing date looms for inclusion.
This will be our 25th Lights of Love service and only the second time it has taken place at our Shrewsbury hospice in Bicton Heath.
The poignant service – moved this year to a more intimate space on the Shrewsbury site – culminates with a candlelit moment of silent reflection, before the Christmas tree festooned with lights dedicated to those being remembered is lit.
The event brings together hundreds of local families to celebrate and remember the lives of loved ones missing at Christmas. Shrewsbury Male Voice Choir and the Shrewsbury Brass Band will be on a new covered stage to sing carols and provide music.
Our director of Income Generation Tracie Harrison said: “We have seen photographs of the tree already and it looks so beautiful all lit up. Lights of Love is always special and for such a milestone year in its history we wanted a tree that was able to really match the loving memories of those we have cared for.
“The tree has literally thousands of lights in it and will be such a powerful and moving symbol for families remembering those they have lost,” she added.
Families who want to dedicate a light in the tree in support of the hospice have until Friday 10 November if their loved one’s name is to appear in the Lights of Love commemorative programme.
“We know the service, the dedications and the programme can be such a comfort to people I really don’t want anyone to miss out,” said Tracie.
Dedications can be made online
Last year’s Lights of Love was the first held in person since the pandemic and the first at our new community services centre. A free shuttlebus is being provided this year to help attendees.
Parking is free at the park and ride and the buses, provided by Minsterley Motors, will shuttle regularly, dropping people off yards from where the service takes place, said Tracie.
Selected car parks on the business park on Clayton Way will also be open for free and marshals will assist on the day.
“People can walk from the park and ride or from Clayton Way and we are asking anyone who needs the shuttlebus to pre-book their space by 10 November. We’ve added as many buses as we can and will allocate space on a first come, first served basis,” said Tracie.
“I must thank Minsterley Motors for helping us plan the shuttlebus arrangements, and our neighbours on the business park who’ve allowed our attendees to use their car parks for free,” she said.
Click here to dedicate a light in the Lights of Love tree, or book a space on the shuttlebus.