For patients

Our day services

Our care goes beyond our wards and includes day services people can use without staying at the hospice. All our day services are free.

Our approach to care is to help people live as well as possible within the limitations of their illness, so we offer a wide range of services which provide emotional, physical and spiritual support enabling you to maintain your independence for as long as possible.

Our care will look after your overall well-being, covering everything from managing fatigue and sleep, to mindfulness, to relaxation techniques, personal matters and coping with anxiety.

We will give you the best help we can. We will contact you once you have been referred by the healthcare professional involved with your care. So we understand your needs, we will talk to you about them and how we can work together to best help address them. We’ll take the time to get to know you over a number of sessions and assess which services are best for you.

Our day services team is made up of qualified nursing staff, complementary and creative therapists, doctors, health care assistants, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, social workers, chaplains and volunteers. We have a number of different specialist services and specific clinics that could help you and we will provide your care in a professional, friendly, relaxed environment. We also have more informal drop-in activities including music sessions (these are prearranged and on a one-to-one basis at the moment).

Our day services are provided as part of your overall care, and if necessary, will complement any continued care at home.

We’ve summarised our day services into a leaflet. You can read it online by clicking here, or download and print a copy below.


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